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    Wednesday, October 26, 2016

    “Bound To Ransom” The Nigerian Fifty Shades Of Gray? #LiterallyWhatsHot

    This edition of Literally What’s Hot is actually very hot! Our featured book for today is “Bound To Ransom”
     This edition of Literally What’s Hot is actually very hot! Our featured book for today is “Bound To Ransom” and it is written by award winning author of historical, contemporary and paranormal romance, Kiru Taye. Her stories are very sensual and steamy, and often leaves the reviewer readers wanting more. Below is the review of the book by Nimide Ogbeun.

    I was alone, just like I usually always am at the cinemas.

    I chose a spot at the far end and settled in to watch the much anticipated and controversial film of the year, Fifty Shades Of Grey. Things were going well as I watched, Christian Grey was doing all the things I had read him do to Anastasia in the book and although it was interesting to watch it on screen, there were no surprises and it was all expected until I heard the muffled sounds and moans.
    This edition of Literally What’s Hot is actually very hot! Our featured book for today is “Bound To Ransom”
     Right there and there by my right hand side and two seats away from me were two humans engaging in sexual activities. I couldn’t peel my eyes off them, it was like a bonus movie and something kept my eyes glued to them, and they, caught up in the throes of passion, were totally oblivious to their new spectator.

    It was with this same ardour that I read Henry and Gloria’s sexual activities in Kiru Taye’s Bound to Ransom, some totally intense and extremely sensual and others bordering on Fifty Shades BDSM.
    The whole thing fascinated me, the writer’s way with words made me perfectly picture each sexual moment, and for an instance, I wondered if truly Gloria was doing it all against her will. Because, you see, she was a bought an item, a slave to her owner, and a bargaining chip in her father’s collapsed dynasty.

    Gloria, proper ice queen, defender of the spoiled queens, challenger of the male ego, and master of the art of heart breaking, reduced to nothing more than a sex slave, a scrubber of floors, like Game of Thrones Khaleesi without her dragons.

    And what was Henry’s reason for this 100 Million Dollars buy? Revenge? Love? Lust or Borderline obsession? But what I really wanted to know above all was what went on his mind in the first days of his acquisition of Gloria. What pushed him to toy with her that way.

    I have many other questions, questions that I don’t mind having just for another excuse to read Kiru Taye’s Bound To Ransom again to get my answers, especially since it was such a good read with a compelling plot.

    I loved every climax of it! Experience Bound To Ransom on your phone today read the full book here.

    nimide ogbeunNimide Ogbeun is a book addict lover, an unrepentant coke addict and a hopeless romantic. When she’s not trying to expand her shoe closet or dreaming up the perfect getaway, she works as the Assistant Editor of StyleVitae.
    Follow her on Twitter
    See her crazy pictures on Instagram
    Email her at literallywhatshot@okadabooks.com

    Images courtesy of KiruTaye.com

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