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    Monday, December 19, 2016

    It was Bitter Sweet for Lady S, But She Remains Optimistic

    I entered 2016 with lots of hope and expectations. I wrote out my goals and was determined to achieve them all
    Well, I entered 2016 with lots of hope and expectations. I wrote out my goals and was determined to achieve them all. Let’s just say, I ‘came prepared’ and was very optimistic. But here’s a random summary of how 2016 went for me.

    I planned to get closer to God, become a better Christian, show more love to people, study the word regularly, but I couldn’t achieve all. I fluctuated mostly but I’m hoping to do better in 2017. And even though I was unfaithful, God had never been more faithful. I went through lots of issues and drama and I came out victorious. Times when I was totally hopeless, I just had to trust God and he always came through in every aspect of my life.

    My family experienced an epileptic financial situation at the start of the year but things got unbelievably better towards the end.
    I was able to get the MacBook I had been dreaming of getting.

    I made a decision to quit premarital sex but I couldn’t achieve that. Instead the body count grew more and I even got pregnant! I used to think I was too smart to get pregnant by mistake but boy I missed this. Where was I going to start from? 19 and in school. Mummy’s girl. And the guy was some random hookup. I could only confide in 3 close friends and we concluded that I couldn’t keep the baby. It was a tough decision but I went through with it and had serious complications. I had to be admitted at a teaching hospital to have a complete evacuation. I cried a lot afterwards wishing I didn’t do it and I still get sad/cry when I think of what I did. That period was one the toughest ever for me and i guess my punishment is the “what if” thoughts and guilt I’ll always feel.
    I learnt genuine forgiveness this year because I got hurt a lot. The guy who impregnated me neglected me and I had to spend quite a lot on hospital bills, drugs, and generally taking care of myself. Well he begged me after everything and I forgave him. I cut him and all other guys I was seeing off though. I had to forgive friends that betrayed me too. And also forgive myself because I beat myself up a lot after that experience.
    My grades suffered in the first semester of the session because I played truancy and didn’t take my academics seriously. But I came with a bang for the second semester and did extremely well.

    I learnt to not take life too seriously as I got quite a number of shocking death news this year that made me realize our lives are nothing but smoke. I also learnt to consciously live right and focus on God.
    I got an internship with a multinational. I applied with levity and I was called for an interview and got the position without any connection. Which was strange. The internship meant a lot to me as it greatly boosted my CV and I made valuable networks.

    I also met some really valuable friends from different walks of life in the most unexpected ways and I am very thankful for the opportunity.
    I matured a lot in 2016. I learnt the right things to look for in a guy, learnt time-management, etiquette, self-worth and self-confidence, grooming myself and a host of other useful virtues.

    In all, 2016 was definitely bitter-sweet but I’m thankful for the gift of multiple-chances, great opportunities, undeserved favour, amazing family and friends who always come through , for good health and of course, for the gift of life. And this is me hoping 2017 will be explosive because I have huge goals which I plan to achieve, so help me God.

    Photo Credit: Dreamstime

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