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    Wednesday, February 08, 2017

    JAMB Subject Combinations for Social Sciences

    JAMB Subject Combinations for Social

    1. Accountancy:
    Use of English, Mathematics, Economics and any
    other Social Science subject

    2. Business Administration:
    Use of English, Mathematics, Economics and any
    other Social Science subject

    3. Public Administration:
    Use of English, Government, Economics and any
    other subject

    4. Banking and Finance:
    Use of English, Mathematics, one Social Science
    subject and any other subject

    5. Economics:
    Use of English, Mathematics, Economics and any
    of Government, History, Geography, Literature in
    English, French and CRK/IRK.

    6. Demography and Social Statistics:
    Use of English, Mathematics, Economics/
    Geography and any other subject.

    7. Geography:
    Use of English, Geography and two other Arts or
    Social Science subjects

    8. Library Science:
    Use of English and Any three Arts or Social
    Science subjects

    9. Mass Communication:
    Use of English and any three from Arts or Social
    Science subjects.

    10. Sociology:
    Use of English, Three Social Science or Arts

    11. Political Science:
    Use of English, Government or History plus two
    other Social Science/Arts subjects.

    12. Philosophy:
    Use of English, Government and any other two

    13. Psychology:
    Use of English, Any three subjects from Arts or
    Social Science

    14. Religious Studies:
    Use of English Language, CRK/IRS and any two
    other subjects.

    15. Social Works:
    Use of English Language, Mathematics, Economics/
    Geogra phy and any other subject

    16. Sociology and Anthropology:
    Use of English, Three Social Science or Arts

    17. Industrial Relations:
    Use of English, Mathematics, Economics plus one
    other relevant subject

    18. Human Resources Management:
    Use of English, Economics, Government and any
    other relevant subjects.

    19. International Relations:
    Use of English, Economics, Literature- inEnglish
    and Geography/Govern ment/History.

    20. Business Management:
    Use of English, Mathematics, Economics and one
    other subject.

    21. Cooperative and Rural Development:
    Use of English, Mathematics, Economics plus one
    other subject.

    22. Tourism:
    English, Mathematics, Economics and any other

    23. Marketing:
    Use of English, Mathematics, Economics plus one
    other relevant Subject.

    24. Insurance:
    English, Mathematics, Economics and one other

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