• Breaking News

    Tuesday, August 30, 2016

    Your Life, Your Money: A Personal Finance Show for Nigerian youth from Guardian TV

    Nigeria's driving inventive video stage, Guardian TV dispatches a fresh out of the box new individual account appear, Your Life, Your Money supported by Zenith Bank.
    Nigeria's driving inventive video stage, Guardian TV dispatches a fresh out of the box new individual account appear, Your Life, Your Money supported by Zenith Bank.

    Facilitated by Arese Ugwu, author of Smart Money Africa, the eight-scene video arrangement indicates both the youthful and the old how to think more astute and all the more successfully about individual account, particularly in an economy as of now encountering subsidence, for example, Nigeria's. The main scene of the show circulated on Monday, August fifteenth, and new scenes are discharged every Monday.

    Your Life, Your Money concentrates on the best propensities and practices of individual monetary administration in a drawing in and edible way and incorporates subjects like salary administration, and the nuts and bolts of contributing. Different points that will be highlighted in the arrangement include: how to fabricate a month to month spending plan, anticipating crises, developing your salary and why everybody needs a very much organized investment funds arrangement and bank account.

    Your Life, Your Money demonstrates groups of onlookers the way to carrying on with a wealthier monetary life and building a superior budgetary future.

    Your Life, Your Money is conveyed to you by Zenith Bank Aspire.

    Peak Bank's Aspire record is a one of a kind investment account for the Nigerian undergrad with a particular feeling of personality.

    Intended to upgrade the way of life of the observing understudy, the Aspire account gives a stage to its holders to take after their fantasies, supporting them as they try to enormity

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